2025 Choir Information

Choral Leaders and Teachers

2025 Choral Leaders and Teachers 

In 2025, Choir Leaders and Teachers can engage with NZCCA in three ways:

1. The NZCCA Teachers’ Collective. If you have already attended an NZCCA Course, you can join our monthly Zoom meetings.
First one Wednesday February 5th 7:00-8:00pm. The aim is to support, discuss, empower and educate.
A zoom link will be sent closer to the time. There will be a fee (TBA) from June 2025 onwards.

2. One to One sessions with our leading conductors:
Karen Grylls - karen@nzcca.co.nz 
Elizabeth Lau - elizabeth@nzcca.co.nz .
These will be set up on an individual basis as an individual session or as a session with you and your choir.
(Fees to be negotiated accordingly). Please contact us directly.

3. Weekend Workshops to be scheduled in consultation with everyone.
Ideally, a Friday evening session with a Saturday workshop with a choir.
We would ideally like to have two in the North Island and at least one in the South Island in 2025.
The dates for these will be discussed in the zoom sessions. Minimum 12-14 people required (fee TBA).

For further information, please contact Elizabeth - elizabeth@nzcca.co.nz or Karen - karen@nzcca.co.nz

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